Pathway Health Will Be an Exhibitor at the LeadingAge Wisconsin 2019 Fall Conference & 39th Annual Exhibitors Forum

Pathway Health’s Betty Brunner will be at the LeadingAge Wisconsin 2019 Fall Conference & 39th Annual Exhibitors Forum. The Conference’s theme is “Imagine the Possibilities.” The event will feature professional networking opportunities, pre-conference workshops, a motivational keynote address, educational sessions, an evening of entertainment featuring comedy and music and the 39th Annual Exhibitors Forum. Pathway...

Pathway Health to Attend the IHCA 2019 Convention & Trade Show

Pathway Health’s Louann Lawson will present at the IHCA 2019 Convention & Trade Show. With a theme, “Waves of Change, Oceans of Opportunities,” the Convention will offer education and resources to assist organizations. The three-day event will feature three keynote speakers and more than 40 education breakout sessions. Additionally, the trade show and evening social...

Pathway Health to Attend “This is Long Term Care 2019,” the Biennial Global Ageing Conference

Peter Schuna, Lisa Thomson and Susan LaGrange will represent Pathway Health at the Biennial Global Ageing Conference—This is Long Term Care 2019. They will be connecting with colleagues, discussing topics that impact long term care. Lisa and Susan will also be presenting sessions.   Pathway Health Sessions: Lisa Thomson and Susan LaGrange will present their...

What if nursing homes had a ‘well-being budget’?

Here’s my latest article on McKnight’s Long-Term Care News: What if nursing homes had a ‘well-being budget’? Last week, New Zealand passed the country’s first “well-being budget,” with billions in funding directed towards mental health, suicide prevention, addiction treatment and combatting poverty. This development had me considering what a “well-being budget” would look like in...

Root Cause Analysis with Karolee Alexander

Pathway Health’s Karolee Alexander presents the webinar, titled, “Clinical Online Workshop: Root Cause Analysis,” hosted by Care Providers of Minnesota. The event will provide participants with best practices for thorough root cause analysis and how to prioritize necessary changes. Objectives: Understand the intent of a root cause analysis Learn several techniques for performing and teaching...

Fireside Training Courses in June

Pathway Health offers multiple opportunities to strengthen your education in June. Register now for the following Fireside Training classes: Prepare for Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM), presented in Montevideo, MN, June 4, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Director of Nursing – Basics, presented in Lake Elmo, MN, June 4 – 7, 9 a.m. – 4...

Diffuse Difficult Behavior in LTC with LeadingAge Kansas

Pathway Health’s Leah Killian-Smith presents the fourth and final installation of the 4-part webinar series hosted by LeadingAge Kansas on trauma-informed care. The webinar, titled, “Dealing with Difficult Behaviors,” will provide participants with practical guidance to de-escalate behaviors and to discern the unmet needs of struggling LTC residents. Objectives: Understand why residents have the behaviors...

Operational & Clinical Strategies for Success with OHCA

Pathway Health’s Sue LaGrange will be presenting at the event, titled, “Reducing Readmissions – Operational and Clinical Strategies for Success,” hosted by the Educational Foundation of the Ohio Health Care Association in Columbus, OH, on May 15. The event offers post-acute care leaders interactive discussions and practical resources they can implement immediately. Participants gain access...

Phase 3 Preparedness with Pharmascript

Pathway Health’s Leah Killian-Smith presents the webinar, titled, “Purposeful Preparedness for Phase 3,” hosted by Pharmascript. The event will provide participants with knowledge of the required elements of Phase 3 and their impact on LTC policies and procedures. Objectives: Understand the required elements of Phase 3 and how they affect long-term care’s current policies and...

Meet Pathway Health at MHCA 2019 in Duluth

Pathway Health will be exhibiting at the 2019 MHCA 49th Annual Meeting and Expo in Duluth, MN, on May 15. The Minnesota Home Care Association’s Annual Meeting offers unique opportunities for educational enhancement in the field of long term care alongside thousands of industry professionals. Participants gain access to networks, mentorship possibilities, healthcare leaders and...

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